Wednesday, December 31, 2008
National Lampoon's European/Christmas Vacation
Posted by Cydnee at 12:59 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Trip to Washington, Part 2
Posted by Cydnee at 9:51 PM 7 comments
Our trip to the OTHER Washington, PART 1
Posted by Cydnee at 9:06 PM 2 comments

Posted by Cydnee at 8:44 PM 3 comments
Christmas Miracle...I'm blogging!
Posted by Cydnee at 8:35 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Let's see, how can I explain THIS long absence?
I have a bad habit of "shutting down" when I fall far behind on something (i.e. house cleaning, food storage, bathing/feeding my children--kidding, no need to call DCFS--and now...blogging). Bad habit/bad example, I know but here I am thinking that I have a zillion things I'd like to add to my on-line "journal" and little time (code for desire) to catch up. So here are some cliff notes of what's been going on in this family and perhaps I will expound a bit in the future ("perhaps" being the key word.)
#1 For those who haven't been frequenting my sister Julia's blog (I highly recommend it for mother's seeking comic relief), we're having a boy that's due in February...Elise will be officially "boy trapped" (a direct quote from my oldest son, Nicolas.) They pick up the weirdest phrases at school!
#2 Despite being in the thick of morning sickness, we had a fun summer vacation to Island Park, ID and Yellowstone National Park. We stayed with Bjorn's Grandma in her lovely cabin off the lake and got to know Bjorn's cute distant cousin Kimberly. And since Grandma and Kimberly wanted to see Yellowstone, we played the part of hillbillies and stuck our two oldest kids in the "trunk" of the SUV without seat belts. A few highlights: besides carsickness, our kids survived without seat belts as they repeatedly reminded us that we were breaking the law; we saw a couple of elk and several buffalo (one of which was a little too close for comfort...especially after reading the little disclaimer along the boardwalk about how several visitors were gored the previous year.) I had to pull Alexander away while he was making direct eye contact and talking with the beast with only about 20 feet between them. We enjoyed "Oklahoma" at the Playmill and a fun little rodeo in West Yellowstone.

Posted by Cydnee at 9:48 PM 13 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
My long absence explained...
Okay, so for most of you, this video won't be a major surprise. It's always hard for me to keep pregnancies a secret because I feel like I have to explain myself for laying on the couch half the day, neglecting my children, running to the restroom, etc...I used to do all my blogging, e-mailing, etc. at night after the kids were in bed and that was always when I felt the worst. I feel like I'm gradually coming out of the nausea fog and hope to resume a "normal" life soon.
Some of you might know that I secretly (well, not that secretly) wish that life was a musical...can you see it? You're taking a walk at night thinking about whatever and all the sudden a symphony starts the accompaniment and you sing about how you feel. Or you're just so excited about something and you begin dancing (along with everyone else in the grocery store or wherever) and everyone sings in perfect harmony...well, here are a few songs that (assuming I had any spare energy) I would have sung over the last couple of months:
Here Comes The Sun (The Beatles)--I was always so happy to wake up in the morning because it meant I usually had a couple of hours without "morning" sickness (an ironic term, for me).
Vanishing (Mariah Carey)--this would describe my waistline. A few people pointed out that they could see I was "showing" and I had to kindly tell them that no, in fact that little bulge they were seeing were "gifts" left by my other three know, to prolong my life should I find myself on a stranded island with no food ;).
Hungry Like A Wolf (Duran Duran)--not much explanation needed here but my voracious appetite was a bit torturous because most food looked and smelled repulsive.
FEED ME! (from Little Shop of Horrors)--if life was a musical, this would be the song my children would have sung to me while I laid on the couch for hours. Is it possible to have latch-key children while the mother is at home? The second verse would have been "BATHE ME" and the third verse would be "NOURISH MY MIND AND SPIRIT!" (okay, so they wouldn't really sing the last two verses but I felt pretty negligent in those areas as well.)
Super Trooper (ABBA)--I would sing this to myself if I wasn't such a wimp about it all...this is actually the song I'd sing to Bjorn for being a great single parent for the last couple of months. One of my favorite memories (now) is when he took the three kids plus our nephew to a sit-down restaurant, then took all of them to a VERY crowded and late Bee's game to watch a little baseball and fireworks after. Only a crazy (but cool) dad would do this, right? The downside was that his cell phone was dead and I had no idea that he was at the game until he got home around 12:30 a.m...I eventually assumed that's where he was after the local police station informed me that there hadn't been any accidents with injuries in the area that night ;).
Adios for now! And thanks for the nagging, Ju!
Posted by Cydnee at 9:18 AM 14 comments
Labels: pregnancy
Friday, July 4, 2008
Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime?
Posted by Cydnee at 6:13 AM 12 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Mom's home
Sorry for the delay in an update. My mom came home on Sunday and she will be taking steroids for a couple of weeks. My dad's taking good care of her and she is resting a lot better at home than she was at the hospital. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers.
Posted by Cydnee at 7:51 PM 4 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Leaving Comments for my Mom/Update
Posted by Cydnee at 7:45 PM 4 comments
Mom in the hospital
I went to see my mom in the hospital last night and she looks and sounds SO much better than she did on Sunday. She's such a trooper and is hopefully on her way to a full recovery. Thank goodness for prayers and modern medicine. By the way, if you'd like to leave a thought or message for my mom, just click below this post where it says "# comments" and it will bring up a window to leave a message. I will pass them on to her. Thanks!
Posted by Cydnee at 7:38 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
More on Bonnie
I just got off the phone with my Dad and it looks like my mom will be in the hospital for at least 3-4 days. She apparently had an autoimmune reaction to the heart surgery which happens in about five percent of patients (something called Dressler's Syndrome...see for more info--Thanks Adrian! ). Fluid has gradually been building up around her lungs, making it difficult for her to breathe well. The fluid was drained last night and she is already feeling a lot better. The next step is to take steroids for two weeks and to do a lot of walking to help her lungs. So if you see her, tell her to pick up her tubes and get marching ;).
Posted by Cydnee at 10:38 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Mama Mia (Bonnie's update)
Posted by Cydnee at 8:38 PM 7 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
My Little Jedi Knights
I know I shouldn't label my children but I think this video shows the personalities of my boys pretty accurately. Nicolas is dispensing information on the force and analyzing the situation while Alexander (the one with the broken arm...and a black eye) actually believes he is Darth Mal and acts accordingly...funny how different personalities can be when coming from the same gene pool. Any other parents agree?
P.S. A random blogging question...any suggestions on where to get images from the web without infringing on copyrights?
Posted by Cydnee at 6:58 PM 6 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Bjorn!
Posted by Cydnee at 11:23 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Update on KSL Idol contest
I've been in bed half the day with sub-par health so I bailed on the KSL thing. I know, where's my dedication, right? I just thought I'd let the one or two of you know who were planning to listen to it ;).
Posted by Cydnee at 3:46 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Another Idol hopeful from Murray, UT
So I'm driving home from my parents house tonight listening to the Night Side Project on KSL talk radio when the D.J.'s announce that they will be having their own quasi-Idol contest of their own....Well, for some reason I have a weakness for these kind of local karaoke contests (Whipple Plumbing Idol at the Bees game, Orem Idol, etc...) so I dialed the number and it started ringing. At first I thought "Wow, how lucky that I got through on the first try" but then I remembered that the rest of the planet is watching the REAL American Idol finals. Needless to say, I sang my little number over the air and was invited back to compete on their show tomorrow. Now granted, the majority of earthings will be watching the American Idol finals but hey, I thought I'd put it out there if any of you (besides my parents) want to listen to/mock me. Here is the website where you can find a podcast: or if you live in Utah it is on A.M. 1160 or F.M. 102.7. It will run from 7-10:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time tomorrow (Wednesday 5.21.08) and is dependent on my dad coming through as my babysitter :).
Posted by Cydnee at 9:35 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Goodbye Winter, Hello Summer
Is it just me or do winters seem to get longer/colder each year? Bjorn has helped us to embrace the long winters here through a lot of slope therapy. He's such a fan of Snowbird ski resort that he is the official mascot of the place (see family picture). Between that and his military discount he practically skis for free ;). Here are a few skiing pictures/videos:
Nicolas skiing
Alexander skiing
Here's Alexander on his first ski day. Ahh, what a difference a couple of years and instruction by a non-parent type makes.
P.S. In case you were wondering, that's not really Bjorn in the Snowbird outfit, though perhaps he should tryout for next year...he might do it for a free season pass.
Posted by Cydnee at 9:30 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Will You Maui Me?
The following story is based on actual events that occured in March of 2008:
Once upon a time, a weary mother of three laid her head on the couch after a long week of diapering, carpooling, homeworking, cleaning (well, not so much of that...), etc., etc... She soon drifted off to sleep when out of nowhere appeared a great-looking guy that said, "Hey, do you want to go to Hawaii with three days?" And that's how it all go, or not to go?
Suddenly I had a practical devil/angel (you choose) on one shoulder and a spontaneous, fun, "why on earth not?" devil/angel on the other....there was a lot going on the next week--a doctor apointment that takes three months to schedule, a birthday party to go to where really good food/company would be found, and last (but not necessarily least), a neighborhood Karaoke Idol contest that I was itching to participate in. In the end, I decided that it's just wrong to refuse an offer to go to Hawaii. We hired a "manny" (my good sport father-in-law, Bob) to come along to "help out with the kids" (code for Bjorn and I want to surf, snorkel, go out to eat, etc...) Thanks, Bob!
A few highlights from our stay...We spent a lot of time at the beach (a pebble's throw from our condo if you're one of the Manning brothers); took surfing lessons (me and Bjorn) and would HIGHLY recommend it; snorkeled (Alexander wanted to know why Heavenly Father put so much salt in the water...he got a few gulps of the ocean); went whale watching and saw other neat sea creatures at the local aquarium; celebrated Elise's first birthday at a luau; drove to the top of a volcano (Alexander lost his lunch on that trip); drove "The Road to Hana"...lush, gorgeous ocean views on a windy, sometimes one-laned "hope-the-person-around-the-corner-honks-so-I-don't-drive-off-the-cliff" highway--Nicolas lost his lunch on that trip. Mostly, it was a lovely trip with beautiful weather, gorgeous views, and great family times.
P.S. Thanks to Hil for sprucing up my blog and helping with the slideshow ;)
Posted by Cydnee at 7:52 PM 5 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Jazz Singer (and I don't mean Neil Diamond)
P.S. For those not raised by Neil Diamon fans, he was in a movie called "The Jazz Singer" in 1980.
Posted by Cydnee at 10:22 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Alexander's Broken Arm
Who knew that casts came in hi-lighter yellow color? Unfortunately, we now do (along with anyone who comes within 100 yards of Alexander). Our little evil kanevil boy has finally broken a bone. We' ve often joked that we should just put a helmet on him 24/7 and perhaps a little bubble wrap. For those who don't know, he managed to fall off the trampoline in the small window of time between setting it up and putting the netting on (about 24 hours). I should have known better as the little guy is a magnet for injury. I've since learned that with most couples, there is usually one who opposes owning a trampoline and one who wants one. I've heard a lot of "Don't tell my husband/wife how he broke his arm." Of course Bjorn was the one that opposed the idea (for fear of bodily harm) but eventually gave in. Thankfully he's not the "I told you so type" because I felt pretty bad already
Posted by Cydnee at 2:21 PM 8 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
We're finally bloggers!!!!
Posted by Cydnee at 8:50 PM 5 comments