Thursday, June 19, 2008

Leaving Comments for my Mom/Update

If you'd like to leave a comment for my mom but don't have a Google account, you should be able to click on the "anonymous" option after you've clicked on the "# comments" link below each post. Thanks!
I just spoke with her (Thursday night) and she is continuing to make progress. She was taken off oxygen today and is walking around to strengthen her lungs. She has been using what's called an incentive spiromater which looks a bit like an overgrown inhaler. She exhales then puts her mouth on the spiromater and inhales, inflating her lungs like a balloon. She was even "caught" using the gadget today when her pulmonologist walked into the room and said "Hey, that's what I like to see!" Tomorrow they will likely clamp her chest tube that has been draining the fluid off of her lungs to see if her lymph system is able to absorb the fluid on its own. If she continues to progress well, she will likely go home on Saturday :).


Mama Williams said...

This world needs sweet women like Bonnie, so get better and come home soon! Love, the Williams Family :)

Christina said...

Cyd, when I think of your mom the word youth comes to mind. She is such a beautiful person. She has always been such the babe. I love her bargain finds and her homemade bread! Shopping and food! I hope she feels better soon.

mIcHeLLe said...

i bet she'll do fine with the chest tube clamping, then if that goes good, they'll probably pull it and from my experience with kids, once they get that chest tube out, they are like totally different kids...or mom's....make sure that mom of your is drinking lots of water...but doing her incentive spir., she sounds like she'll be just fine!

Dayton and Candice said...

Hi Aunt Bonnie!! I just want to tell you I love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers! My dad said to tell you that once you can, take short walks a couple times a day --He contibutes his dog Lugnut to saving his life after his heart attack/ getting a pacemaker by getting him outside and walking :) Love you The Gardner Fam